
April continues

Thanks again to everyone who stopped by at C2E2. Also, special thanks to Aaron and Laurie, not just for putting up with me, but for doing it for an extra day.

I picked at this piece a little during the latest recording session, but was too busy listening to find good reference or make good decisions, so I don't feel like I made any progress. I'll try to be more prepared for next week.


Painting, Shooting, and Podcasting.

(A quick reminder at the top: I'll be at C2E2 in Chicago this weekend.)

As if learning to paint weren't hard enough, I'll also have to learn how to photograph or scan paintings. One would think an array of color management tools would make the job easy -- that finding sun in Western New York would be the hard part -- but that doesn't seem to be the case. Anyway, here's roughly what the piece I started at last year's Illustration Master Class looks like now, after a couple of fits and starts of extra work.

I also worked on this piece a bit more, mainly whilst chatting with Socar, Patrick, and Jeremy.


April 2010

I had an excellent time in Calgary and Saskatoon Easter weekend at this year's Iron Samurai L5R tournaments. Thanks again to all involved.

Here are a trio of sketches from the trip. On the left, I was half remembering a story of Tomoe Gozen. I worked it up a bit more whilst recording part of episode 60 of Ninja Mountain. After so many weeks away it was great to catch up with Jeremy and Socar again.

Another trip is coming right up: next weekend, April 16-18, I'll be at C2E2 in Chicago. I will be in the artist's alley, perhaps looking very much out of place. Still, you're welcome to come by and wish me a happy birthday!


Searching For a Solution To a Problem I Don't Know

A couple of new sketchbook pages. I think there could be something to the last one.