
Wait, I'm Home This Weekend?

Yep, I've been traveling. Whilst in the Seattle area not only did I get to have a fine time at the Tacoma Kotei, I also got to catch up with friends I see all too rarely. Special thanks to (in roughly chronological order) Franz and Imelda, Jon, Mary, Jeremy, Richard, Greg, Leon, Drew, Dierdre and Raven. Obviously, I've left people out. Also obviously, it's because I'm a jerk.

Shortly after my Seattle jaunt I was off to LunaCon. It was my first real convention experience without a table to sit behind. I discovered things like panels, fresh air, lunch, people to talk with, and how an art show check in/out system works. (Also that if you don't follow the "whole dollars only" pricing rules you may get whapped on the head with a stack of papers. Repeatedly.) It was also great to see/meet Eric, Matt, Dan, Marc, Kelly, Hillary, Bill, Joe, Kris, Michael, Dan, Bob, Sue, Patricia, and... so many other people who also have names. I made no promises, right?

And look what my Golden Wyrm painting came back with! A hard worker, that one.


  1. Congats man, you deserve it. That's nice piece. Beautiful use of lighting

  2. Don't take this the wrong way Drew, you know how fond I am of this piece, but . . .

    It deserves a more impressive frame.

    Although you seem to be collecting a lot of ribbons without one so what do I know?

  3. Congrats Drew!... This painting is doing well for you for sure. I'd have to agree about the frame, though I didn't really notice it until Mike pointed it out... Thanks Mike.

  4. Thanks very much, guys.

    Mike: Framing at all is totally new to me. The main virtue of the one I have is I could get it in the week before GenCon, rather than needing to plan ahead for it. I am starting to loosen up a bit.

    Tips would be great.

    What did you end up doing for your print? (He sent me these two tests: http://drewbaker.com/frames.jpg) Did you prototype them in Photoshop, or is there a better frame testing program I should try?



  5. I went with the bottom frame. Here's a photo of the actual print/mat/frame before I put the glass in:


    That image you posted I mocked up in Photoshop/Illustrator. I already had the frames so I just took a quick photo and designed the mat in AI.

    I've had pretty good luck purchasing frames from


    I doubt they're the cheapest online but they're not bad and I've always been happy with their frames and service. They have a cool feature on the site called "Personal Frame Shop" Where you can upload a small version of your art and see what it would look like in any of their frames.

  6. Hi Drew, my name is Mitza, and I write you because my boyfriend LOVES your painting of Shosuro Dazai (http://www.drewbaker.com/l5r/group21.asp?image=4), and he wants a wallpaper for his computer, but I didn't find wallpapers in your web page.

    There is any possibility of get one of that picture in 1920x1080?

    Anything that you want ask me, my email is mitza.oyaneder[at]gmail.com

    Thank you, thank you, really thank you... :)


    PS: Please forgive my pour english.

  7. Hi Mitza,

    Thanks very much. I've put a 1920x1280 copy up for you:




  8. Thank you VERY MUCH!!!!!....

    It's an excellent work and you are an excellent person!!!!

    THANK YOU!!!! :D


  9. Wow, great job Drew. Love that painting.

    Lunacon is a great convention, with the Escher motel and all. I got one of those ribbons too, back in '07. I need to get back there. Maybe next year.
